Recall, o my Son, the Fable of
the Hebrews, which they brought from the City Babylon, how Nebuchadnezzar
the Great King, being afflicted in his Spirit, did depart from
among Men for Seven Years' Space, eating Grass as doth an Ox.
Now this Ox is the Letter Aleph, and is that Atu of Thoth whose
Number is Zero, and whose name is Maat, Truth, or Maut, the Vulture,
the All-Mother, being an Image of Our Lady Nuith, but also it
is called the Fool, who is Parsifal, "der reine Tor",
and so referreth to him that walketh in the Way of the Tao. Also,
he is Harpocrates, the Child Horus, walking, (as saith David,
the Badavi that became King in his Psalms) upon the Lion and the
Dragon; that is, he is in Unity with his own secret Nature, as
I have shewn thee in my Word concerning the Sphinx. O my Son,
yester Eve came the Spirit upon me that I also should eat the
Grass of the Arabs, and by Virtue of the Bewitchment thereof behold
that which might be appointed for the Enlightenment of mine Eyes.
Now then of this may I not speak, seeing that it involveth the
Mystery of the Transcending of Time, so that in One Hour of our
terrestrial Measure did I gather the Harvest of an Aeon, and in
Ten Lives I could not declare it.
Liber Aleph - Aleister Crowley
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